Trove Solution

AI & Machine Learning Projects

Project 1: AI-Powered Predictive Maintenance System

Overview: We designed and implemented an advanced AI-powered Predictive Maintenance System for a leading manufacturing client. The system was developed to predict equipment failures, allowing for timely interventions and minimizing downtime.


Problem Solved: The client faced high costs associated with unexpected machinery breakdowns, leading to unplanned downtime and production delays. Traditional maintenance practices were either reactive (addressing issues post-failure) or preventive (scheduled maintenance irrespective of equipment condition). This inefficient approach resulted in unnecessary repairs or delayed action. Our AI solution enabled the client to transition to a predictive maintenance model, saving both time and money.


Technologies Used:

  • Programming Languages & Libraries: Python, TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn
  • Methodologies: Predictive Analytics, Anomaly Detection, Time-Series Forecasting
  • Hardware Integration: IoT sensors for collecting real-time machine data (temperature, vibration, load)


Solution Development:

  • Data Integration: We first connected IoT sensors to the client’s machines to collect real-time data such as vibrations, temperature, pressure, and operational load. This data was crucial for training the model.
  • Data Processing: The raw data was preprocessed using time-series analysis and transformed into features suitable for machine learning models.
  • Modeling Approach: We deployed a Random Forest algorithm that excelled in identifying anomalies and potential failure patterns within the equipment data. Our model was fine-tuned through cross-validation, achieving high accuracy in predicting equipment malfunctions.
  • Deployment: The system was integrated into the client’s existing ERP system, allowing seamless alerts and preventive actions based on the AI model’s predictions.



  • Key Results: The solution achieved a 30% reduction in equipment downtime, leading to a 15% improvement in Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE). With real-time alerts, the client was able to take preventive action before equipment failures occurred.
  • Cost Savings: The client reported an estimated annual saving of $1.5 million by reducing unexpected maintenance costs and production delays.


Client Success: The system is now an integral part of the client’s operations across multiple plants, providing continuous monitoring and predictions, ensuring long-term operational efficiency.

Project 2: AI-Based Customer Churn Prediction Model for Subscription Services

Overview: We developed a sophisticated AI-based churn prediction model for a subscription-based business to help reduce customer churn and increase customer retention through data-driven strategies.


Problem Solved: The client was experiencing significant customer churn, losing a large portion of their subscriber base every quarter. This led to revenue loss and hindered long-term growth. The client lacked the ability to identify customers at risk of leaving and needed a more proactive solution to retain them. Our AI model provided precise predictions, enabling the client to target high-risk customers with tailored retention strategies.


Technologies Used:

  • Programming Languages & Libraries: Python, XGBoost, Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn
  • Data Techniques: Predictive Modeling, Classification, Natural Language Processing (NLP) for sentiment analysis
  • Visualization Tools: Matplotlib, Seaborn for data visualization


Solution Development:

  • Data Collection: We aggregated multiple datasets, including customer transaction history, usage patterns, social media engagement, and customer feedback. Additionally, we performed sentiment analysis on customer reviews and support interactions using NLP techniques.
  • Feature Engineering: The model was built using customer engagement features like frequency of use, average spend, subscription plan, and interaction history, which were crucial in predicting churn risk.
  • Modeling Approach: We selected XGBoost for its superior performance in handling large datasets and its ability to interpret complex customer behavior. Through hyperparameter tuning and cross-validation, our model reached an accuracy rate of 85% in predicting which customers were likely to churn.
  • Integration: The model was integrated with the client’s CRM system, triggering automated alerts and generating personalized retention strategies for at-risk customers.



  • Key Results: The model helped reduce customer churn by 25%, allowing the client to retain over 10,000 high-value customers in the first three months post-deployment.
  • Revenue Impact: The retention efforts driven by our model resulted in a 20% increase in the client’s annual recurring revenue (ARR), directly enhancing profitability.
  • Actionable Insights: Our AI-powered churn predictions enabled the client to implement personalized incentives, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Client Success: The client attributes a substantial portion of their improved retention strategy to our AI solution. They now have the tools to continuously monitor churn and act preemptively to retain customers.

Project 3: AI-Driven Personalized Recommendation System for E-commerce

Overview: We developed a cutting-edge, AI-powered recommendation engine for an e-commerce client to offer personalized product suggestions to their customers, resulting in increased user engagement, higher conversion rates, and an uplift in average order value (AOV).


Problem Solved: The e-commerce client was facing challenges with low user engagement and conversion rates. Their existing recommendation system was static, offering generic product suggestions that failed to meet customer expectations. The client needed a solution that would deliver dynamic, personalized recommendations based on each user’s preferences and behavior, ensuring higher engagement and sales.


Technologies Used:

  • Programming Languages & Libraries: Python, Keras, TensorFlow, Collaborative Filtering Algorithms, Content-Based Filtering
  • AI Techniques: Deep Learning for image and text recommendations, User Behavior Analysis, Natural Language Processing (NLP) for product descriptions
  • Recommendation Engine: Hybrid model combining collaborative filtering and content-based filtering


Solution Development:

  • Data Integration: We collected and analyzed vast amounts of user interaction data, including browsing history, purchase behavior, and product preferences. This data was enriched with product metadata such as descriptions and images to improve recommendation accuracy.
  • Modeling Approach:
    • Collaborative Filtering: To capture user preferences based on behavior and purchases of similar users.
    • Content-Based Filtering: To provide recommendations based on product attributes like product descriptions, categories, and images.
    • Deep Learning: Applied to generate recommendations from visual (image) and textual (description) data, ensuring a holistic recommendation experience.
  • System Deployment: The recommendation engine was integrated into the client’s e-commerce platform, dynamically generating personalized recommendations in real-time as users browsed the website.



  • Key Results: The recommendation engine boosted conversion rates by 18% and increased the average order value by 22%. Additionally, the personalized nature of the recommendations improved overall customer satisfaction.
  • Sales Impact: Within six months, the client reported a $500,000 increase in sales, directly attributed to the improved user experience delivered by the AI-powered recommendation engine.
  • Customer Engagement: The tailored suggestions encouraged users to explore more products, leading to increased time spent on the platform and higher basket sizes.


Client Success: This AI-driven recommendation system is now a core feature of the client’s e-commerce platform, contributing to sustained sales growth and stronger customer loyalty.